August 30, 2013



August 13, 2013


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August 12, 2013


Black, S. E., P. J. Devereux, and K. G. Salvanes. 2005. “The more the merrier? The effect of family size and birth order on children's education.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 120(2):669–700.
Blake, J. 1989. Family Size and Achievement. Univ of California Press.
Breen, R., and J. O. Jonsson. 2005. “Inequality of Opportunity in Comparative Perspective: Recent Research on Educational Attainment and Social Mobility.” Annual Review of Sociology 31(1):223–43.
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Conley, D., and R. Glauber. 2006. “Parental educational investment and children’s academic risk estimates of the impact of sibship size and birth order from exogenous variation in fertility.” Journal of Human Resources 41(4):722–37.
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Edwards, L. N., and M. K. Pasquale. 2003. “Women's higher education in Japan: Family background, economic factors, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Law.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 17(1):1–32.
Featherman, D. L., and R. M. Hauser. 1976. “Sexual inequalities and socioeconomic achievement in the US, 1962-1973.” American sociological review 462–83.
Hauser, R. M., and H.-H. D. Kuo. 1998. “Does the gender composition of sibships affect women's educational attainment?.” Journal of Human Resources 644–57.
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Heer, D. M. 1985. “Effects of sibling number on child outcome.” Annual Review of Sociology 27–47.
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Jaeger, M. M. 2008. “Do Large Sibships Really Lead to Lower Educational Attainment?: New Evidence from Quasi-Experimental Variation in Couples' Reproductive Capacity.” Acta Sociologica 51(3):217–35.
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Mare, R. D., and M.-S. Tzeng. 1989. “Fathers' ages and the social stratification of sons.” American journal of sociology 108–31.
Ono, H. 2001. “Migration patterns among Japanese university students.”
Ono, H. 2004. “Are sons and daughters substitutable?.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 18(2):143–60.
Powell, B., and L. C. Steelman. 1990. “Beyond sibship size: Sibling density, sex composition, and educational outcomes.” Social Forces 69(1):181–206.
Raymo, J. M. 2003. “Educational attainment and the transition to first marriage among Japanese women.” Demography 40(1):83–103.
Sieben, I., J. Huinink, and P. M. de Graaf. 2001. “Family background and sibling resemblance in educational attainment. Trends in the former FRG, the former GDR, and the Netherlands.” European Sociological Review 17(4):401–30.
Solon, G. 1999. “Intergenerational mobility in the labor market.” Handbook of labor economics 3:1761–1800.
Steelman, L. C., and B. Powell. 1989. “Acquiring capital for college: The constraints of family configuration.” American sociological review 844–55.
Steelman, L. C., B. Powell, R. Werum, and S. Carter. 2002. “RECONSIDERING THE EFFECTS OF SIBLING CONFIGURATION: Recent Advances and Challenges.” Annual Review of Sociology 28(1):243–69.
Teachman, J. D. 1987. “Family background, educational resources, and educational attainment.” American sociological review 548–57.